Source code for solcore.analytic_solar_cells.depletion_approximation

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.integrate import solve_bvp, quad_vec
from functools import partial

from solcore.constants import kb, q
from solcore.science_tracker import science_reference
from solcore.state import State
from solcore.light_source import LightSource

da_options = State()
da_options.da_mode = 'bvp'

[docs]def identify_layers(junction): # First we have to figure out if we are talking about a PN, NP, PIN or NIP junction # We search for the emitter and check if it is n-type or p-type idx = 0 pn_or_np = 'pn' homojunction = True for layer in junction: if layer.role.lower() != 'emitter': idx += 1 else: Na = 0 Nd = 0 if hasattr(layer.material, 'Na'): Na = layer.material.Na if hasattr(layer.material, 'Nd'): Nd = layer.material.Nd if Na < Nd: pn_or_np = "np" nRegion = junction[idx] else: pRegion = junction[idx] id_top = idx break # Now we check for an intrinsic region and, if there is, for the base. if junction[idx + 1].role.lower() == 'intrinsic': iRegion = junction[idx + 1] if junction[idx + 2].role.lower() == 'base': if pn_or_np == "pn": nRegion = junction[idx + 2] else: pRegion = junction[idx + 2] id_bottom = idx + 2 homojunction = homojunction and nRegion.material.material_string == pRegion.material.material_string homojunction = homojunction and nRegion.material.material_string == iRegion.material.material_string else: raise RuntimeError( 'ERROR processing junctions: A layer following the "intrinsic" layer must be defined as ' '"base".') # If there is no intrinsic region, we check directly the base elif junction[idx + 1].role.lower() == 'base': if pn_or_np == "pn": nRegion = junction[idx + 1] else: pRegion = junction[idx + 1] iRegion = None id_bottom = idx + 1 homojunction = homojunction and nRegion.material.material_string == pRegion.material.material_string else: raise RuntimeError( 'ERROR processing junctions: A layer following the "emitter" must be defined as "intrinsic"' 'or "base".') # We assert that we are really working with an homojunction assert homojunction, 'ERROR: The DA solver only works with homojunctions, for now.' return id_top, id_bottom, pRegion, nRegion, iRegion, pn_or_np
[docs]def identify_parameters(junction, T, pRegion, nRegion, iRegion): kbT = kb * T xp = pRegion.width xn = nRegion.width xi = 0 if iRegion is None else iRegion.width sn = 0 if not hasattr(junction, "sn") else sp = 0 if not hasattr(junction, "sp") else junction.sp # Now we have to get all the material parameters needed for the calculation if hasattr(junction, "permittivity"): es = junction.permittivity else: es = nRegion.material.permittivity # equal for n and p. I hope. # For the diffusion length, subscript n and p refer to the carriers, electrons and holes if hasattr(junction, "ln"): ln = junction.ln else: ln = pRegion.material.electron_diffusion_length if hasattr(junction, "lp"): lp = junction.lp else: lp = nRegion.material.hole_diffusion_length # For the diffusion coefficient, n and p refer to the regions, n side and p side. Yeah, it's confusing... if hasattr(junction, "mup"): dp = junction.mup * kbT / q else: dp = pRegion.material.electron_mobility * kbT / q if hasattr(junction, "mun"): dn = junction.mun * kbT / q else: dn = nRegion.material.hole_mobility * kbT / q ni = Na = pRegion.material.Na Nd = nRegion.material.Nd return xn, xp, xi, sn, sp, ln, lp, dn, dp, Nd, Na, ni, es
[docs]def iv_depletion(junction, options): """ Calculates the IV curve of a junction object using the depletion approximation as described in J. Nelson, “The Physics of Solar Cells”, Imperial College Press (2003). The junction is then updated with an "iv" function that calculates the IV curve at any voltage. :param junction: A junction object. :param options: Solver options. :return: None. """ science_reference('Depletion approximation', 'J. Nelson, “The Physics of Solar Cells”, Imperial College Press (2003).') junction.voltage = options.internal_voltages T = options.T kbT = kb * T id_top, id_bottom, pRegion, nRegion, iRegion, pn_or_np = identify_layers(junction) xn, xp, xi, sn, sp, ln, lp, dn, dp, Nd, Na, ni, es = identify_parameters(junction, T, pRegion, nRegion, iRegion) niSquared = ni**2 Vbi = (kbT / q) * np.log(Nd * Na / niSquared) if not hasattr(junction, "Vbi") else junction.Vbi # Jenny p146 #Na, Nd, ni, niSquared, xi, ln, lp, xn, xp, sn, sp, dn, dp, es, id_top, id_bottom, Vbi, pn_or_np = process_junction(junction, options) R_shunt = min(junction.R_shunt, 1e14) if hasattr(junction, 'R_shunt') else 1e14 # And now we account for the possible applied voltage, which can be, at most, equal to Vbi V = np.where(junction.voltage < Vbi - 0.001, junction.voltage, Vbi - 0.001) wn, wp = get_depletion_widths(junction, es, Vbi, V, Na, Nd, xi) w = wn + wp + xi # Now it is time to calculate currents if pn_or_np == "pn": l_top, l_bottom = ln, lp x_top, x_bottom = xp, xn w_top, w_bottom = wp, wn s_top, s_bottom = sp, sn d_top, d_bottom = dp, dn min_top, min_bot = niSquared / Na, niSquared / Nd else: l_bottom, l_top = ln, lp x_bottom, x_top = xp, xn w_bottom, w_top = wp, wn s_bottom, s_top = sp, sn d_bottom, d_top = dp, dn min_bot, min_top = niSquared / Na, niSquared / Nd JtopDark = get_j_dark(x_top, w_top, l_top, s_top, d_top, V, min_top, T) JbotDark = get_j_dark(x_bottom, w_bottom, l_bottom, s_bottom, d_bottom, V, min_bot, T) # hereby we define the subscripts to refer to the layer in which the current is generated: if pn_or_np == "pn": JnDark, JpDark = JbotDark, JtopDark else: JpDark, JnDark = JbotDark, JtopDark # These might not be the right lifetimes. Actually, they are not as they include all recombination processes, not # just SRH recombination, which is what the equation in Jenny, p159 refers to. Let´ leave them, for now. lifetime_n = ln ** 2 / dn lifetime_p = lp ** 2 / dp # Jenny p163 # Here we use the full version of the SRH recombination term as calculated by Sah et al. Works for positive bias # and moderately negative ones. science_reference('SRH current term.', 'C. T. Sah, R. N. Noyce, and W. Shockley, “Carrier Generation and Recombination in P-N Junctions and P-N Junction Characteristics,” presented at the Proceedings of the IRE, 1957, vol. 45, no. 9, pp. 1228–1243.') Jrec = get_Jsrh(ni, V, Vbi, lifetime_p, lifetime_n, w, kbT) J_sc_top = 0 J_sc_bot = 0 J_sc_scr = 0 if options.light_iv: widths = [] for layer in junction: widths.append(layer.width) cum_widths = np.cumsum([0] + widths) g = junction.absorbed wl = options.wavelength wl_sp, ph = options.light_source.spectrum(output_units='photon_flux_per_m', x=wl) id_v0 = np.argmin(abs(V)) # The contribution from the Emitter (top side). xa = cum_widths[id_top] xb = cum_widths[id_top + 1] - w_top[id_v0] if options.da_mode == 'bvp': deriv = get_J_sc_diffusion(xa, xb, g, d_top, l_top, min_top, s_top, wl, ph, side='top') else: xbb = xb - (xb - xa)/1001. deriv = get_J_sc_diffusion_green(xa, xbb, g, d_top, l_top, min_top, s_top, ph, side='top') deriv = np.trapz(deriv, wl) J_sc_top = q * d_top * abs(deriv) # The contribution from the Base (bottom side). xa = cum_widths[id_bottom] + w_bottom[id_v0] xb = cum_widths[id_bottom + 1] if options.da_mode == 'bvp': deriv = get_J_sc_diffusion(xa, xb, g, d_bottom, l_bottom, min_bot, s_bottom, wl, ph, side='bottom') else: xbb = xb - (xb - xa)/1001. deriv = get_J_sc_diffusion_green(xa, xbb, g, d_bottom, l_bottom, min_bot, s_bottom, ph, side='bottom') deriv = np.trapz(deriv, wl) J_sc_bot = q * d_bottom * abs(deriv) # The contribution from the SCR (includes the intrinsic region, if present). xa = cum_widths[id_top + 1] - w_top[id_v0] xb = cum_widths[id_bottom] + w_bottom[id_v0] J_sc_scr = q * get_J_sc_SCR(xa, xb, g, wl, ph) # And, finally, we output the currents junction.current = Jrec + JnDark + JpDark + V / R_shunt - J_sc_top - J_sc_bot - J_sc_scr junction.iv = interp1d(junction.voltage, junction.current, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, assume_sorted=True, fill_value=(junction.current[0], junction.current[-1])) junction.region_currents = State({"Jn_dif": JnDark, "Jp_dif": JpDark, "Jscr_srh": Jrec, "J_sc_top": J_sc_top, "J_sc_bot": J_sc_bot, "J_sc_scr": J_sc_scr})
[docs]def get_j_dark(x, w, l, s, d, V, minority, T): """ :param x: width of top junction :param w: depletion width in top junction :param l: diffusion length :param s: surface recombination velocity :param d: diffusion coefficient :param V: voltage :param minority: minority carrier density :param T: Temperature :return: J_top_dark """ # We calculate some fractions harg = (x - w) / l sinh_harg = np.sinh(harg) cosh_harg = np.cosh(harg) lsod = (l * s) / d # And then we are ready to calculate the different currents # Missing the voltage dependent part of these equations. # They should be 6.34 and 6.39, not 6.62 and 6.63 J_dark = (q * d * minority / l) * (np.exp(q * V / kb / T) - 1) * \ ((lsod * cosh_harg + sinh_harg) / (lsod * sinh_harg + cosh_harg)) return J_dark
[docs]def get_Jsrh(ni, V, Vbi, tp, tn, w, kbT, dEt=0): science_reference('SRH current term.', 'C. T. Sah, R. N. Noyce, and W. Shockley, “Carrier Generation and Recombination in P-N Junctions and P-N Junction Characteristics,” presented at the Proceedings of the IRE, 1957, vol. 45, no. 9, pp. 1228–1243.') out = np.zeros(V.shape) m = V >= -1120 * kbT / q out[m] = forward(ni, V[m], Vbi, tp, tn, w[m], kbT) return out
[docs]def forward(ni, V, Vbi, tp, tn, w, kbT, dEt=0): """ Equation 27 of Sah's paper. Strictly speaking, it is not valid for intermediate negative bias. """ J0 = 2 * q * ni * w / np.sqrt(tn * tp) f = factor(V, Vbi, tp, tn, kbT, dEt) out = J0 * np.sinh(q * V / (2 * kbT)) / (q * (Vbi - V) / kbT) * f return out
[docs]def factor(V, Vbi, tp, tn, kbT, dEt=0): """ The integral of Eq. 27 in Sah's paper. While it is coninuum (in principle) it has to be done in two parts. (or three) """ trap = q * dEt / kbT + np.log(tp / tn) / 2 b = np.exp(-q * V / kbT / 2) * np.cosh(trap) z1 = np.sqrt(tp / tn) * np.exp(-q * (Vbi - V) / kbT / 2) z2 = np.sqrt(tp / tn) * np.exp(q * (Vbi - V) / kbT / 2) out = np.zeros(b.shape) # For b values < 1 m = b < 1 top = np.arctan((b[m] + z2[m]) / np.sqrt(1 - b[m] ** 2)) bot = np.arctan((b[m] + z1[m]) / np.sqrt(1 - b[m] ** 2)) out[m] = (top - bot) / np.sqrt(1 - b[m] ** 2) # For b values >= 1 and <=1e7 m = (b >= 1) * (b <= 1e7) xx = b[m] yy = np.sqrt(xx ** 2 - 1) top = np.log(abs(z2[m] - yy + xx) / abs(z2[m] + yy + xx)) bot = np.log(abs(z1[m] - yy + xx) / abs(z1[m] + yy + xx)) out[m] = (top - bot) / (2 * yy) # For b values > 1e7 m = b >= 1e7 top = np.log(z2[m]) - np.log(z2[m] + 2 * b[m]) bot = np.log(z1[m]) - np.log(z1[m] + 2 * b[m]) out[m] = (top - bot) / (2 * b[m]) return out
[docs]def get_J_sc_diffusion(xa, xb, g, D, L, y0, S, wl, ph, side='top'): """ :param xa: :param xb: :param g: :param D: :param L: :param y0: :param S: :param wl: :param ph: :param side: :return: out """ zz = np.linspace(xa, xb, 1001, endpoint=False) gg = g(zz) * ph g_vs_z = np.trapz(gg, wl, axis=1) g_vs_z[np.isnan(g_vs_z)] = 0 A = lambda x: np.interp(x, zz, g_vs_z) / D + y0 / L ** 2 def fun(x, y): out1 = y[1] out2 = y[0] / L ** 2 - A(x) return np.vstack((out1, out2)) if side == 'top': def bc(ya, yb): left = ya[1] - S / D * (ya[0] - y0) right = yb[0] return np.array([left, right]) else: def bc(ya, yb): left = ya[0] right = yb[1] - S / D * (yb[0] - y0) return np.array([left, right]) guess = y0 * np.ones((2, zz.size)) guess[1] = np.zeros_like(guess[0]) solution = solve_bvp(fun, bc, zz, guess) if side == 'top': out = solution.y[1][-1] else: out = solution.y[1][0] return out
def _conv_exp_top(x, xa, xb, g, L, phoD): """Convolution of the carrier generation rate with the approximate Green's function kernel at point x. To be used with the numerical integration routine to compute the minority carrier derivative on the top edge. This kernel approximates the original one when the diffusion length is 2 orders of magnitude higher than the junction width by assuming that sinh(x) = cosh(x) = .5 * exp(x). :param x: Coordinate in the junction (variable to be integrated). :param xa: Coordinate at the start the junction. :param xb: Coordinate at the end the junction. :param g: Carrier generation rate at point x (expected as function). :param L: Diffusion length. :param phoD: Light spectrum divided by the diffusion constant D. """ xc = (xa - x) / L xv = np.array([xa + xb - x, ]) Pkern = -np.exp(xc) Gx = g(xv) * phoD return Pkern*Gx def _conv_exp_bottom(x, xa, g, L, phoD): """Convolution of the carrier generation rate with the approximate Green's function kernel at point x. To be used with the numerical integration routine to compute the minority carrier derivative on the bottom edge. This kernel approximates the original one when the diffusion length is 2 orders of magnitude higher than the junction width by assuming that sinh(x) = cosh(x) = .5 * exp(x). :param x: Coordinate in the junction (variable to be integrated). :param xa: Coordinate at the start the junction. :param g: Carrier generation rate at point x (expected as function). :param L: Diffusion length. :param phoD: Light spectrum divided by the diffusion constant D. """ xc = (xa - x) / L xv = np.array([x, ]) Pkern = np.exp(xc) Gx = g(xv) * phoD return Pkern*Gx def _conv_green_top(x, xa, xb, g, L, phoD, crvel): """Convolution of the carrier generation rate with the Green's function kernel at point x. To be used with the numerical integration routine to compute the minority carrier derivative on the top edge. :param x: Coordinate in the junction (variable to be integrated). :param xa: Coordinate at the start the junction. :param xb: Coordinate at the end the junction. :param g: Carrier generation rate at point x (expected as function). :param L: Diffusion length. :param phoD: Light spectrum divided by the diffusion constant D. :param crvel: Coefficient computed as S / D * L, with S the surface recombination velocity. """ xc = (xb - x) / L xv = np.array([xa + xb - x, ]) Pkern = np.cosh(xc) + crvel * np.sinh(xc) Gx = g(xv) * phoD return Pkern*Gx def _conv_green_bottom(x, xb, g, L, phoD, crvel): """Convolution of the carrier generation rate with the Green's function kernel at point x. To be used with the numerical integration routine to compute the minority carrier derivative on the bottom edge. :param x: Coordinate in the junction (variable to be integrated). :param xb: Coordinate at the end the junction. :param g: Carrier generation rate at point x (expected as function). :param L: Diffusion length. :param phoD: Light spectrum divided by the diffusion constant D. :param crvel: Coefficient computed as S / D * L, with S the surface recombination velocity. """ xc = (xb - x) / L xv = np.array([x, ]) Pkern = np.cosh(xc) - crvel * np.sinh(xc) Gx = g(xv) * phoD return Pkern*Gx
[docs]def get_J_sc_diffusion_green(xa, xb, g, D, L, y0, S, ph, side='top'): """Computes the derivative of the minority carrier concentration at the edge of the junction by approximating the convolution integral resulting from applying the Green's function method to the drift-diffusion equation. :param xa: Coordinate at the start the junction. :param xb: Coordinate at the end the junction. :param g: Carrier generation rate at point x (expected as function). :param D: Diffusion constant. :param L: Diffusion length. :param y0: Carrier equilibrium density. :param S: Surface recombination velocity. :param ph: Light spectrum. :param side: String to indicate the edge of interest. Either 'top' or 'bottom'. :return: The derivative of the minority carrier concentration at the edge of the junction. """ science_reference('DA Green\'s function method.', 'T. Vasileiou, J. M. Llorens, J. Buencuerpo, J. M. Ripalda, D. Izzo and L. Summerer, “Light absorption enhancement and radiation hardening for triple junction solar cell through bioinspired nanostructures,” Bioinspir. Biomim., vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 056010, 2021.') xbL = (xb - xa) / L crvel = S / D * L ph_over_D = ph / D # if L too low in comparison to junction width, avoid nan's if xbL > 1.e2: if side == 'top': cadd = -y0 / L fun = partial(_conv_exp_top, xa=xa, xb=xb, g=g, L=L, phoD=ph_over_D) else: cadd = y0 / L fun = partial(_conv_exp_bottom, xa=xa, g=g, L=L, phoD=ph_over_D) cp = 1. else: if side == 'top': cp = -np.cosh(xbL) - crvel * np.sinh(xbL) cadd = (np.sinh(xbL) + crvel * np.cosh(xbL)) * y0 / L fun = partial(_conv_green_top, xa=xa, xb=xb, g=g, L=L, phoD=ph_over_D, crvel=crvel) else: cp = np.cosh(xbL) - crvel * np.sinh(xbL) cadd = (np.sinh(xbL) - crvel * np.cosh(xbL)) * y0 / L fun = partial(_conv_green_bottom, xb=xb, g=g, L=L, phoD=ph_over_D, crvel=crvel) out, err = quad_vec(fun, xa, xb, epsrel=1.e-5) return (out.squeeze() + cadd) / cp
[docs]def get_J_sc_SCR(xa, xb, g, wl, ph): zz = np.linspace(xa, xb, 1001, endpoint=False) gg = g(zz) * ph out = np.trapz(np.trapz(gg, wl, axis=1), zz) return out
[docs]def qe_depletion(junction, options): """ Calculates the QE curve of a junction object using the depletion approximation as described in J. Nelson, “The Physics of Solar Cells”, Imperial College Press (2003). The junction is then updated with an "iqe" and several "eqe" functions that calculates the QE curve at any wavelength. :param junction: A junction object. :param options: Solver options. :return: None. """ science_reference('Depletion approximation', 'J. Nelson, “The Physics of Solar Cells”, Imperial College Press (2003).') # First we have to figure out if we are talking about a PN, NP, PIN or NIP junction T = options.T kbT = kb * T id_top, id_bottom, pRegion, nRegion, iRegion, pn_or_np = identify_layers(junction) xn, xp, xi, sn, sp, ln, lp, dn, dp, Nd, Na, ni, es = identify_parameters(junction, T, pRegion, nRegion, iRegion) niSquared = ni ** 2 Vbi = (kbT / q) * np.log(Nd * Na / niSquared) if not hasattr(junction, "Vbi") else junction.Vbi # Jenny p146 wn, wp = get_depletion_widths(junction, es, Vbi, 0, Na, Nd, xi) # Now it is time to calculate currents if pn_or_np == "pn": l_top, l_bottom = ln, lp w_top, w_bottom = wp, wn s_top, s_bottom = sp, sn d_top, d_bottom = dp, dn min_top, min_bot = niSquared / Na, niSquared / Nd else: l_bottom, l_top = ln, lp w_bottom, w_top = wp, wn s_bottom, s_top = sp, sn d_bottom, d_top = dp, dn min_bot, min_top = niSquared / Na, niSquared / Nd widths = [] for layer in junction: widths.append(layer.width) cum_widths = np.cumsum([0] + widths) g = junction.absorbed wl = options.wavelength wl_sp, ph = LightSource(source_type='black body', x=wl, T=6000).spectrum(output_units='photon_flux_per_m', x=wl) # The contribution from the Emitter (top side). xa = cum_widths[id_top] xb = cum_widths[id_top + 1] - w_top if options.da_mode == 'bvp': deriv = get_J_sc_diffusion_vs_WL(xa, xb, g, d_top, l_top, min_top, s_top, wl, ph, side='top') else: xbb = xb - (xb - xa)/1001. deriv = get_J_sc_diffusion_green(xa, xbb, g, d_top, l_top, min_top, s_top, ph, side='top') j_sc_top = d_top * abs(deriv) # The contribution from the Base (bottom side). xa = cum_widths[id_bottom] + w_bottom xb = cum_widths[id_bottom + 1] if options.da_mode == 'bvp': deriv = get_J_sc_diffusion_vs_WL(xa, xb, g, d_bottom, l_bottom, min_bot, s_bottom, wl, ph, side='bottom') else: xbb = xb - (xb - xa)/1001. deriv = get_J_sc_diffusion_green(xa, xbb, g, d_bottom, l_bottom, min_bot, s_bottom, ph, side='bottom') j_sc_bot = d_bottom * abs(deriv) # The contribution from the SCR (includes the intrinsic region, if present). xa = cum_widths[id_top + 1] - w_top xb = cum_widths[id_bottom] + w_bottom j_sc_scr = get_J_sc_SCR_vs_WL(xa, xb, g, wl, ph) # The total light absorbed, but not necessarily collected, is: xa = cum_widths[id_top] xb = cum_widths[id_bottom + 1] zz = np.linspace(xa, xb, 10001) gg = g(zz) * ph current_absorbed = np.trapz(gg, zz, axis=0) # Now, we put everything together j_sc = j_sc_top + j_sc_bot + j_sc_scr eqe = j_sc / ph eqe_emitter = j_sc_top / ph eqe_base = j_sc_bot / ph eqe_scr = j_sc_scr / ph iqe = j_sc / current_absorbed iqe[np.isnan(iqe)] = 0 # if zero current_absorbed, get NaN in previous line; want 0 IQE junction.iqe = interp1d(wl, iqe) junction.eqe = interp1d(wl, eqe, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, assume_sorted=True, fill_value=(eqe[0], eqe[-1])) junction.eqe_emitter = interp1d(wl, eqe_emitter, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, assume_sorted=True, fill_value=(eqe_emitter[0], eqe_emitter[-1])) junction.eqe_base = interp1d(wl, eqe_base, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, assume_sorted=True, fill_value=(eqe_base[0], eqe_base[-1])) junction.eqe_scr = interp1d(wl, eqe_scr, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, assume_sorted=True, fill_value=(eqe_scr[0], eqe_scr[-1])) junction.qe = State({'WL': wl, 'IQE': junction.iqe(wl), 'EQE': junction.eqe(wl), 'EQE_emitter': junction.eqe_emitter(wl), 'EQE_base': junction.eqe_base(wl), 'EQE_scr': junction.eqe_scr(wl)})
[docs]def get_J_sc_SCR_vs_WL(xa, xb, g, wl, ph): zz = np.linspace(xa, xb, 1001, endpoint=False) gg = g(zz) * ph out = np.trapz(gg, zz, axis=0) return out
[docs]def get_J_sc_diffusion_vs_WL(xa, xb, g, D, L, y0, S, wl, ph, side='top'): zz = np.linspace(xa, xb, 1001, endpoint=False) # excluding the last point - depending on the mesh/floating point errors, sometimes this is actually in the next layer gg = g(zz) * ph out = np.zeros_like(wl) for i in range(len(wl)): if np.all(gg[:,i] == 0): # no reason to solve anything if no generation at this wavelength out[i] = 0 else: A = lambda x: np.interp(x, zz, gg[:, i]) / D + y0 / L ** 2 def fun(x, y): out1 = y[1] out2 = y[0] / L ** 2 - A(x) return np.vstack((out1, out2)) if side == 'top': def bc(ya, yb): left = ya[1] - S / D * (ya[0] - y0) right = yb[0] return np.array([left, right]) else: def bc(ya, yb): left = ya[0] right = yb[1] - S / D * (yb[0] - y0) return np.array([left, right]) guess = y0 * np.ones((2, zz.size)) guess[1] = np.zeros_like(guess[0]) solution = solve_bvp(fun, bc, zz, guess) if side == 'top': out[i] = solution.y[1][-1] else: out[i] = solution.y[1][0] return out
[docs]def get_depletion_widths(junction, es, Vbi, V, Na, Nd, xi): if not hasattr(junction, "wp") or not hasattr(junction, "wn"): if hasattr(junction, "depletion_approximation") and junction.depletion_approximation == "one-sided abrupt": print("using one-sided abrupt junction approximation for depletion width") one_sided = True else: one_sided = False if one_sided: science_reference("Sze abrupt junction approximation", "Sze: The Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc (2007)") wn = np.sqrt(2 * es * (Vbi - V) / (q * Nd)) wp = np.sqrt(2 * es * (Vbi - V) / (q * Na)) else: wn = (-xi + np.sqrt(xi ** 2 + 2. * es * (Vbi - V) / q * (1 / Na + 1 / Nd))) / (1 + Nd / Na) wp = (-xi + np.sqrt(xi ** 2 + 2. * es * (Vbi - V) / q * (1 / Na + 1 / Nd))) / (1 + Na / Nd) wn = wn if not hasattr(junction, "wn") else junction.wn wp = wp if not hasattr(junction, "wp") else junction.wp return wn, wp