Source code for solcore.units_system.units_system

from collections import defaultdict
import re  # tools to manage regular expresions
import numpy as np
from typing import Optional, Callable

import solcore
from solcore.source_managed_class import SourceManagedClass
from solcore.constants import *

[docs]class UnitError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): BaseException.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]class WrongDimensionError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): BaseException.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]def generateConversionDictForSISuffix(suffix, centi=False, deci=False, non_base_si_factor=1): prefixes = "Y,Z,E,P,T,G,M,k,,m,u,n,p,f,a,z,y".split(",") exponents = list(range(8, -9, -1)) if centi: prefixes.append("c") exponents.append(-2. / 3.) if deci: prefixes.append("d") exponents.append(-1. / 3.) unitNames = ["%s%s" % (prefix, suffix) for prefix in prefixes] conversion = [1000. ** exponent * non_base_si_factor for exponent in exponents] return dict(zip(unitNames, conversion))
[docs]class UnitsSystem(SourceManagedClass): """ Contains all the functions related with the conversion of units. While defined inside this class, most of these functions are available outside it, being decorated with 'breakout' (see 'Singleton')""" def __init__(self, sources: Optional[Callable] = None): super().__init__({k: sources(k) for k in sources()}) self.separate_value_and_unit_RE = re.compile(u"([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)(?:[ \t]*(.*))?") self.split_units_RE = re.compile(u"(?:([^ \+\-\^\.0-9]+)[\^]?([\-\+]?[^ \-\+]*)?)") self.siConversions = {} self.dimensions = defaultdict(dict)
[docs] def read(self, source=None, value=None): """ Reads the units file and creates a database with all units and conversion factors. """ if source is not None: super().read(source, value) for dimension in self.database.sections(): units = self.database.options(dimension) for unit in units: if "META_GenerateConversions" in unit: expression = self.database.get(dimension, unit) si_base_unit = expression.split()[0] centi = "centi" in expression deci = "deci" in expression non_base_si_factor = self.safe_eval(expression.split()[1]) if "altbase" in expression else 1 dimension_conversions = generateConversionDictForSISuffix( si_base_unit, centi=centi, deci=deci, non_base_si_factor=non_base_si_factor ) self.siConversions.update(dimension_conversions) self.dimensions[dimension].update(dimension_conversions) continue string_expression = self.database.get(dimension, unit) self.siConversions[unit] = self.safe_eval(string_expression) self.dimensions[dimension][unit] = self.siConversions[unit]
[docs] def safe_eval(self, string_expression): return eval(string_expression, {"__builtins__": {}}, {"constants": solcore.constants})
[docs] def siUnits(self, value, unit): """ Convert value from unit to equivalent si-unit >>> print(siUnits(1,"mm")) # yields meters 0.001 >>> print(siUnits(1,"um")) # yields meters 1e-06 :param value: the value to convert :param unit: the units of the value :return: the value expresed in SI units """ if unit is None or value is None: return value units_list = self.split_units_RE.findall(unit) for unit, power in units_list: power = float(power) if power != '' else 1 value = value * np.power((self.siConversions[unit]), power) ### caution, *= is WRONG because it modifies original obj. DO NOT WANT return value
[docs] def asUnit(self, value, unit): """ Converts from si unit to other unit. It is the reversed of siUnits function >>> print(asUnit(1, "mA")) # print 1A in mA. 1000.0 :param value: the value to convert, assumed in SI units :param unit: the new units :param dimension: the value expressed in the new units. :return: """ if unit is None or value is None: return value units_list = self.split_units_RE.findall(unit) for unit, power in units_list: power = float(power) if power != '' else 1 value = value / (self.siConversions[unit]) ** power ### caution, /= is WRONG because it modifies original obj. DO NOT WANT return value
[docs] def si(self, *args): """ Utility function that forwards to either siUnit or siUnitFromString""" if type(args[0]) == str: return self.siUnitFromString(*args) return self.siUnits(*args)
[docs] def siUnitFromString(self, string): """ Converts a string of a number with units into si units of that quantity >>> print(si("5 mm s-1")) # output in m/s 0.005 >>> print(si("5e-0mm-2")) # output in m2 5000000.0 >>> print(si("5")) 5.0 :param string: the string to convert :return: the value in SI units """ # if unit is None or value is None: # return value matchObj = self.separate_value_and_unit_RE.match(string) value, unit = matchObj.groups() value = float(value) units_list = self.split_units_RE.findall(unit) for unit, power in units_list: power = float(power) if power != '' else 1 value *= (self.siConversions[unit]) ** power return value
[docs] def convert(self, value, from_unit, to_unit): """ Converts between comparable units, does NOT check if units are comparable. >>> print(convert(1, "nm", "mm")) 1e-06 >>> print(convert(1, "um", "nm")) 1000.0 >>> print(convert(1, "cm s-1", "km h-1")) 0.036 :param value: the value ot convert :param from_unit: the original unit :param to_unit: the final unit :return: the value expressed in the final unit """ return self.asUnit(self.siUnits(value, from_unit), to_unit)
[docs] def eVnm(self, value): """ Bi-directional conversion between nm and eV. >>> print('%.3f'%eVnm(1000)) 1.240 >>> print('%i'%round(eVnm(1))) 1240 :param value: a number with units [nm] or [eV]. :return: either the conversion [nm] --> [eV], or [eV] --> [nm] """ factor = self.asUnit(h, "eV") * self.asUnit(c, "nm") return factor / value
[docs] def nmJ(self, value): """ Bi-directional conversion between nm and J. >>> print(nmJ(1000)) 1.9864452126e-19 >>> print(nmJ(2e-18)) 99.3222606298 :param value: a number with units [nm] or [J]. :return: either the conversion [nm] --> [J], or [J] --> [nm] """ factor = h * c return factor / self.siUnits(value, "nm")
[docs] def mJ(self, value): """ Bi-directional conversion between m and J. >>> print(mJ(1000)) 1.986445212595144e-25 >>> print(mJ(2e-18)) 9.93222606297572e-08 :param value: a number with units [m] or [J]. :return: either the conversion [m] --> [J], or [J] --> [m] """ factor = h * c return factor / value
[docs] def nmHz(self, value): """ Bi-directional conversion between nm and Hz. :param value: a number with units [nm] or [Hz]. :return: Either a number which is the conversion [nm] --> [Hz] or [Hz] --> [nm] """ factor = self.asUnit(c, "nm s-1") return factor / value
[docs] def spectral_conversion_nm_ev(self, x, y): """ Bi-directional conversion between a spectrum per nanometer and a spectrum per electronvolt. Example: 1) nm --> eV conversion wavelength_nm photon_flux_per_nm energy_ev, photon_flux_per_ev = spectral_conversion_nm_ev(wavelength_nm, photon_flux_per_nm) 2) eV --> nm conversion energy_ev photon_flux_per_ev wavelength_nm, photon_flux_per_nm = spectral_conversion_nm_ev(energy_ev, photon_flux_per_ev) Discussion: A physical quantities such as total number of photon in a spectrum or total energy of a spectrum should remain invariant after a transformation to different units. This is called a spectral conversion. This function is bi-directional because the mathematics of the conversion processes is symmetrical. >>> import numpy as np >>> x = np.array([1,2,3]) >>> y = np.array([1,1,1]) >>> area_before = np.trapz(y, x=x) >>> x_new, y_new = spectral_conversion_nm_ev(x, y) >>> area_after = np.trapz(y_new, x=x_new) >>> compare_floats(area_before, area_after, relative_precision=0.2) True :param x: abscissa of the spectrum in units of [nm] or [eV] :param y: ordinate of the spectrum in units of [something/nm] or [something/eV] :return: A tuple (x, y) which has units either [eV, something/eV] or [nm. something/nm]. """ x_prime = self.eVnm(x) conversion_constant = self.asUnit(h, "eV s") * self.asUnit(c, "nm s-1") y_prime = y * conversion_constant / x_prime ** 2 y_prime = reverse(y_prime) # Wavelength ascends as electronvolts decends therefore reverse arrays x_prime = reverse(x_prime) return (x_prime, y_prime)
[docs] def spectral_conversion_nm_hz(self, x, y): """ Bi-directional conversion between a spectrum per nanometer and a spectrum per Hertz. Example: 1) nm --> Hz conversion wavelength_nm photon_flux_per_nm energy_hz, photon_flux_per_hz = spectral_conversion_nm_hz(wavelength_nm, photon_flux_per_nm) 2) Hz --> nm conversion energy_hz photon_flux_per_hz wavelength_nm, photon_flux_per_nm = spectral_conversion_nm_ev(energy_hz, photon_flux_per_hz) Discussion: A physical quantities such as total number of photon in a spectrum or total energy of a spectrum should remain invariant after a transformation to different units. This is called a spectral conversion. This function is bi-directional because the mathematics of the conversion processes is symmetrical. >>> import numpy as np >>> x = np.array([1,2,3]) >>> y = np.array([1,1,1]) >>> area_before = np.trapz(y, x=x) >>> x_new, y_new = spectral_conversion_nm_hz(x, y) >>> area_after = np.trapz(y_new, x=x_new) >>> compare_floats(area_before, area_after, relative_precision=0.2) True :param x: abscissa of the spectrum in units of [nm] or [Hz] :param y: ordinate of the spectrum in units of [something/nm] or [something/Hz] :return: A tuple (x, y) which has units either [eV, something/nm] or [nm. something/Hz]. """ x_prime = self.nmHz(x) conversion_constant = self.asUnit(c, "nm s-1") y_prime = y * conversion_constant / x_prime ** 2 y_prime = reverse(y_prime) # Wavelength ascends as frequency decends therefore reverse arrays x_prime = reverse(x_prime) return (x_prime, y_prime)
[docs] def sensibleUnits(self, value, dimension, precision=2): """ Attempt to convert a physical quantity of a particular dimension to the most sensible units >>> print(sensibleUnits(0.001,"length",0)) 1 mm >>> print(sensibleUnits(1000,"length",0)) 1 km >>> print(sensibleUnits(si("0.141 days"),"time", 5)) 3.38400 h :param value: The value to re-calculate in SI units :param dimension: The dimension of the value. Possible values are: 'luminous intensity', 'pressure', 'time', 'angle', 'temperature', 'current', 'force', 'charge', 'power', 'voltage', 'resistance', 'mass', 'length', 'energy' :param precision: Precission of the converted value. :return: A string with the value in the more 'sensible' units and the units. """ negative = "" if value < 0: value *= -1 negative = "-" formatting = "%s%%.%if %%s" % (negative, precision) d = self.dimensions[dimension] possibleUnits = d.keys() if value == 0: return formatting % (0, "") allValues = [abs(np.log10(self.asUnit(value, unit))) for unit in possibleUnits] bestUnit = possibleUnits[allValues.index(min(allValues))] return formatting % (self.asUnit(value, bestUnit), bestUnit)
[docs] def eV(self, e): """ Transform an energy value in SI units in a string expresing the value in eV. >>> print(eV(1e-19)) 0.624 eV :param e: Energy value in SI units :return: A string with the energy converted in eV and its units. """ return "%.3f eV" % self.asUnit(e, "eV")
[docs] def guess_dimension(self, unit): """ Guess the dimension of a unit. >>> print guess_dimension("nm") length :param unit: the unit. :return: None """ possibilities = [key for key in self.dimensions.keys() if unit in self.dimensions[key]] assert len(possibilities) != 0, "Guessing dimension of '%s': No candidates found" % unit assert len( possibilities) == 1, "Guessing dimension of '%s': Multiple candidates found, please convert manually. (%s)" % ( unit, ", ".join(possibilities)) return possibilities[0]
[docs] def list_dimensions(self): for dim in self.dimensions.keys(): print( "%s: %s" % (dim, ", ".join([k for k in self.dimensions[dim].keys() if k is not None and k is not ""])))
[docs]def compare_floats(a, b, absoulte_precision=1e-12, relative_precision=None): """ Returns true if the absolute difference between the numbers a and b is less than the precision. Arguments: a -- a float b -- a float Keyword Arguments (optional): absolute_precision -- the absolute precision, abs(a-b) of the comparison. relative_precision -- the relative precision, max(a,b)/min(a,b) - 1. of the comparison. Returns: True if the numbers are the same within the limits of the precision. False if the number are not the same within the limits of the precision. """ if relative_precision is None: absolute = abs(a - b) if absolute < absoulte_precision: return True else: return False else: relative = max(a, b) / min(a, b) - 1. if relative < relative_precision: return True else: return False
[docs]def independent_nm_ev(x, y): return UnitsSystem().eVnm(x)[::-1], y[::-1]
[docs]def independent_nm_J(x, y): return UnitsSystem().nmJ(x)[::-1], y[::-1]
[docs]def independent_m_J(x, y): return reverse(UnitsSystem().mJ(x)), reverse(y)
[docs]def reverse(x): return x[::-1]
if __name__ == '__main__': UnitsSystem() print(solcore.eVnm(1240))