Source code for solcore.quantum_mechanics.kp_bulk

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import eig
from functools import lru_cache

import solcore
from solcore.graphing import *
from solcore import constants
from solcore.crystals import traverse_brillouin, brillouin_critical_points, kvector
from solcore.science_tracker import science_reference

electron_charge = constants.q
hbar = constants.hbar
m0 = constants.electron_mass
q = constants.q

[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=1000, typed=False) def eight_band_strain_hamiltonian(kx, ky, kz, Ev0, Ec0, exx, ezz, me_eff, gamma1, gamma2, gamma3, a0, Delta, ac, av, b, Ep): """Hamiltonian to calculate cb, hh, lh, so bands and include strain for the biaxial (along [001]) special case. See Hamiltonian in ref. but remove row 1 and 6 and column 1 and 6.""" science_reference("k.p Hamiltonian", "Stanko Tomic et al., Electronic structure of InyGa1yAs1xNxGaAs(N) quantum " "dots by ten-band k.p theory. Phys. Rev. B 73, 125348 (2006)") av = abs( av) # The sign in Vurgaftmann is negative while Chuang (and Tomic) assumes it is possitve. We make sure it truly is. Eg = Ec0 - Ev0 sqrt2 = np.sqrt(2) sqrt3 = np.sqrt(3) sqrt6 = np.sqrt(6) sqrt3o2 = np.sqrt(3 / 2) m0 = constants.electron_mass # The Kane matrix element (Vurgaftman 'interband matrix element') P0 = np.sqrt(Ep * constants.hbar ** 2 / (2 * m0)) # as a momentum # "Modified" Luttinger parameters gc = 1 / (me_eff / constants.electron_mass) - (Ep / 3) * (2 / Eg + 1 / (Eg + Delta)) g1 = gamma1 - Ep / ( 3 * Eg + Delta) # There was an error here. It was written as: g1 = gamma1 - Ep/(3*(Eg + Delta)) g2 = gamma2 - Ep / (6 * Eg + 2 * Delta) g3 = gamma3 - Ep / (6 * Eg + 2 * Delta) Ck = constants.hbar ** 2 / (2 * m0) # Luttinger-Kohn terms Ok = lambda kx, ky, kz: Ck * gc * (kx ** 2 + ky ** 2 + kz ** 2) Pk = lambda kx, ky, kz: Ck * g1 * (kx ** 2 + ky ** 2 + kz ** 2) Qk = lambda kx, ky, kz: Ck * g2 * (kx ** 2 + ky ** 2 - 2 * kz ** 2) Rk = lambda kx, ky, kz: Ck * sqrt3 * (g2 * (kx ** 2 - ky ** 2) - 2 * 1j * g3 * kx * ky) Sk = lambda kx, ky, kz: Ck * sqrt6 * g3 * (kx - 1j * ky) * kz Tk = lambda kx, ky, kz: 1 / sqrt6 * P0 * (kx + 1j * ky) Uk = lambda kx, ky, kz: 1 / sqrt3 * P0 * kz # Conjugate Rkc = lambda kx, ky, kz: Ck * sqrt3 * (g2 * (kx ** 2 - ky ** 2) + 2 * 1j * g3 * kx * ky) Skc = lambda kx, ky, kz: Ck * sqrt6 * g3 * (kx + 1j * ky) * kz Tkc = lambda kx, ky, kz: 1 / sqrt6 * P0 * (kx - 1j * ky) # Strain terms (biaxial approximation makes many of these function zero) Oe = lambda exx, eyy, ezz: ac * (exx + eyy + ezz) Pe = lambda exx, eyy, ezz: -av * (exx + eyy + ezz) Qe = lambda exx, eyy, ezz: -b / 2 * (exx + eyy - 2 * ezz) # Re = lambda exx,eyy,ezz: 0 # Se = lambda exx,eyy,ezz: 0 # Tk = lambda exx,eyy,ezz: 0 # Uk = lambda exx,eyy,ezz: 0 # Complete terms O = lambda kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz: Ok(kx, ky, kz) + Oe(exx, eyy, ezz) P = lambda kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz: Pk(kx, ky, kz) + Pe(exx, eyy, ezz) Q = lambda kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz: Qk(kx, ky, kz) + Qe(exx, eyy, ezz) R = lambda kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz: Rk(kx, ky, kz) # Here the strain term is zero S = lambda kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz: Sk(kx, ky, kz) # Here the strain term is zero T = lambda kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz: Tk(kx, ky, kz) # Here the strain term is zero U = lambda kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz: Uk(kx, ky, kz) # Here the strain term is zero # Conjugates Rc = lambda kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz: Rkc(kx, ky, kz) # Here the strain term is zero Sc = lambda kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz: Skc(kx, ky, kz) # Here the strain term is zero Tc = lambda kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz: Tkc(kx, ky, kz) # Here the strain term is zero # Bands Ecb = lambda kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz: Ec0 + O(kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz) Ehh = lambda kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz: Ev0 - (P(kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz) + Q(kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz)) Elh = lambda kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz: Ev0 - (P(kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz) - Q(kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz)) Eso = lambda kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz: Ev0 - (P(kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz) + Delta) eyy = exx p = P(kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz) q = Q(kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz) r = R(kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz) s = S(kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz) t = T(kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz) u = U(kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz) rc = Rc(kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz) sc = Sc(kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz) tc = Tc(kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz) cb = Ecb(kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz) hh = Ehh(kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz) lh = Elh(kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz) so = Eso(kx, ky, kz, exx, eyy, ezz) H_ST = np.mat([ [cb, -sqrt3 * t, sqrt2 * u, -u, 0, 0, -tc, -sqrt2 * tc], [-sqrt3 * tc, hh, sqrt2 * s, -s, 0, 0, -r, -sqrt2 * r], [sqrt2 * u, sqrt2 * sc, lh, -sqrt2 * q, tc, r, 0, sqrt3 * s], [-u, -sc, -sqrt2 * q, so, sqrt2 * tc, sqrt2 * r, -sqrt3 * s, 0], [0, 0, t, sqrt2 * t, cb, -sqrt3 * tc, sqrt2 * u, -u], [0, 0, rc, sqrt2 * rc, -sqrt3 * t, hh, sqrt2 * sc, -sc], [-t, -rc, 0, -sqrt3 * sc, sqrt2 * u, sqrt2 * s, lh, -sqrt2 * q], [-sqrt2 * t, -sqrt2 * rc, sqrt3 * sc, 0, -u, -s, -sqrt2 * q, so] ]) # View hamiltonian, good for debugging # if True: # import pylab # pylab.imshow(numpy.real(H_ST)) # H_ST = H_ST.transpose() E, Psi = eig(H_ST) # do all the math bands = np.array((sorted(E.real))) return bands
[docs]def effective_mass_energy(k, m_eff, E0): return E0 + constants.hbar ** 2 / (2 * m_eff) * k ** 2
[docs]def kp_bands(material, host_material, kx=0, ky=0, kz=0, return_so=False, graph=False, fit_effective_mass=False, effective_mass_direction="X", additional_traverse=None): """ :param material: :param host_material: :param kx: :param ky: :param kz: :param return_so: :param graph: :param fit_effective_mass: :param effective_mass_direction: :param additional_traverse: :return: """ Delta = material.spin_orbit_splitting Eg = material.band_gap Ev0 = material.valence_band_offset Ec0 = material.valence_band_offset + Eg a0 = material.lattice_constant g1 = material.gamma1 g2 = material.gamma2 g3 = material.gamma3 ac = material.a_c av = material.a_v b = material.b Ep = material.interband_matrix_element # print (ac, av, b, Ep, a0) me_eff = material.eff_mass_electron_Gamma * constants.electron_mass # Strain parameters exx = - (material.lattice_constant - host_material.lattice_constant) / material.lattice_constant ezz = - 2 * material.c12 / material.c11 * exx # why this? # print("suspect stuff around here") zMax = np.pi / (a0) / 4 kx = 0 * zMax ky = 0 * zMax result = eight_band_strain_hamiltonian(kx, ky, kz, Ev0, Ec0, exx, ezz, me_eff, g1, g2, g3, a0, Delta, ac, av, b, Ep) so, lh, hh, c = result[::2] if material.lattice_constant < host_material.lattice_constant: # print("CAUTION: BLINDLY SWAPPING HH,LH LABELS BASED ON LATTICE CONSTANT") lh, hh = hh, lh if fit_effective_mass: fitpoint_x = 0.05 critical_points = brillouin_critical_points(material.lattice_constant) critical_gamma = critical_points["Gamma"] critical_L = critical_points[effective_mass_direction] fitpoint = critical_gamma + (critical_L - critical_gamma) * fitpoint_x k_cGx, k_cGy, k_cGz = critical_gamma k_fx, k_fy, k_fz = fitpoint bands_at_gamma = eight_band_strain_hamiltonian(k_cGx, k_cGy, k_cGz, Ev0, Ec0, exx, ezz, me_eff, g1, g2, g3, a0, Delta, ac, av, b, Ep) bands_at_fitpoint = eight_band_strain_hamiltonian(k_fx, k_fy, k_fz, Ev0, Ec0, exx, ezz, me_eff, g1, g2, g3, a0, Delta, ac, av, b, Ep) k_max = np.linalg.norm(fitpoint) effective_masses = [] e0s = [] for band in range(len(result)): fpE = bands_at_fitpoint[band] oE = bands_at_gamma[band] deltaE = fpE - oE m_eff_fit = constants.hbar ** 2 / (2 * deltaE) * k_max ** 2 effective_masses.append(m_eff_fit) e0s.append(oE) m_eff_so, m_eff_lh, m_eff_hh, m_eff_c = effective_masses[::2] if material.lattice_constant < host_material.lattice_constant: # print("CAUTION: BLINDLY SWAPPING EFF MASS HH,LH LABELS BASED ON LATTICE CONSTANT") m_eff_lh, m_eff_hh = m_eff_hh, m_eff_lh if graph: traverse_order = ("Gamma", effective_mass_direction) if additional_traverse is not None: traverse_order = traverse_order + additional_traverse allk, x_graph, xticks = traverse_brillouin(a0, traverse_order=traverse_order, steps=300) # () ticks = [x[0] for x in xticks] labels = [x[1] for x in xticks] bands = [] for kx, ky, kz in allk: bands.append( eight_band_strain_hamiltonian(kx, ky, kz, Ev0, Ec0, exx, ezz, me_eff, g1, g2, g3, a0, Delta, ac, av, b, Ep)) g = [] for i, b in enumerate(zip(*bands)): # print (asUnit(array(b),"eV")) if fit_effective_mass: g.append(GraphData(x_graph, effective_mass_energy(x_graph / fitpoint_x * k_max, effective_masses[i], e0s[i]) / electron_charge, color="red", linewidth=2, alpha=0.7)) g.append(GraphData(x_graph, np.array(b) / electron_charge, color="black")) a = Graph(g, xticks=ticks, xticklabels=labels, ylabel="$E$ (eV)", xlabel="$k$", palette="hue wheel", ylim=(-2, 1)) # a = Graph(g, xticks = xticks, ylabel="$E$ (eV)", palette="hue wheel", ylim = (-2,1)) # a = Graph(g, ylabel="$E$ (eV)", palette="hue wheel", title="{} on {} -- Luttinger-Kohn w/Pikus-Bir(Stanko)".format(str(material), str(host_material)), ylim = (-2,1)) a.draw() if fit_effective_mass: if return_so: return (c, hh, lh, so, np.abs(m_eff_c), np.abs(m_eff_hh), np.abs(m_eff_lh), np.abs(m_eff_so)) else: return (c, hh, lh, np.abs(m_eff_c), np.abs(m_eff_hh), np.abs(m_eff_lh)) if return_so: return (c, hh, lh, so) else: return (c, hh, lh)
[docs]def KPbands(material, host_material, return_edges_only=False, plot_result=False, t=0, p=np.pi / 2, fraction=0.2, points=50, vin=None): """ New version of the above function that produces either the band edges or the full bands in one specifc direction from Gamma. - Calculation of the full Brillouin zone is not allowed. After all, KP is only valid near k=0 - The calculation of the effective masses is done externally by another function - The direction to calculate the bands is provided either with directory angles or a directory vector - The number of points of the bands and the fraction up to the border of the Brilluin zone in the given direction are also inputs - The default direction is X, as given by the angles theta (t) and phi (p) """ Delta = material.spin_orbit_splitting Eg = material.band_gap Ev0 = material.valence_band_offset Ec0 = material.valence_band_offset + Eg a0 = material.lattice_constant g1 = material.gamma1 g2 = material.gamma2 g3 = material.gamma3 ac = material.a_c av = material.a_v b = material.b Ep = material.interband_matrix_element me_eff = material.eff_mass_electron_Gamma * constants.electron_mass # Strain parameters exx = (host_material.lattice_constant - a0) / a0 ezz = - 2 * material.c12 / material.c11 * exx if return_edges_only: # If we only want the band edges, we stop here result = eight_band_strain_hamiltonian(0, 0, 0, Ev0, Ec0, exx, ezz, me_eff, g1, g2, g3, a0, Delta, ac, av, b, Ep) so, lh, hh, c = result[::2] if a0 < host_material.lattice_constant: # We need to figure out a safer way of doing this # print("CAUTION: BLINDLY SWAPPING HH,LH LABELS BASED ON LATTICE CONSTANT") lh, hh = hh, lh return (c, hh, lh, so) allk = kvector(a=a0, t=t, p=p, fraction=fraction, points=points, vin=vin) bands = [] for kx, ky, kz in allk: bands.append( eight_band_strain_hamiltonian(kx, ky, kz, Ev0, Ec0, exx, ezz, me_eff, g1, g2, g3, a0, Delta, ac, av, b, Ep)) output = [np.array([np.linalg.norm(vect) for vect in allk])] for i, band in enumerate(zip(*bands)): output.append(np.array(band)) if plot_result: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt for i in range(1, len(output)): plt.plot(output[0] * a0 / 2 / np.pi, output[i] / q, 'k') plt.xlabel('k (2*pi/a)') plt.ylabel('Energy (eV)') output = np.array(output) return output
[docs]def fit_effective_masses(bands, material, host_material, plot_result=False, dk=0.026): from scipy.optimize import curve_fit masses = [] a0 = material.lattice_constant # General maximum k value. The actual maximum value depends on the direction, # but the difference is generally not too big kmax = 2 * np.pi / a0 # We give more weight in the fit to those k points near k=0 weigth = np.exp(- bands[0] ** 2 / (dk * kmax) ** 2) for i in range(1, len(bands), 2): # Bands are duplicated (at least for now) so we only fit half of them band = bands[i] # The initial guess for the effective mass (forward finite differences at k = 0) p0 = (bands[0][2] - bands[0][1]) * (bands[0][1] - bands[0][0]) / ( band[2] - 2 * band[1] + band[0]) * hbar ** 2 / m0 # We consider only points with weight > 0.01 to speed up the algorithm and prevent convergence errors popt, pcov = curve_fit(parabolic, bands[0][weigth > 0.01], band[weigth > 0.01] - band[0], p0=p0, sigma=weigth[weigth > 0.01]) # Standard error in the calculation of the mass # perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) masses.append(popt[0]) fit = band[0] + parabolic(bands[0], popt[0]) if plot_result: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(bands[0] / kmax, band / q, 'k') plt.plot(bands[0] / kmax, fit / q, 'r') if a0 < host_material.lattice_constant: # We need to figure out a safer way of doing this # print("CAUTION: BLINDLY SWAPPING HH,LH LABELS BASED ON LATTICE CONSTANT") masses[1], masses[2] = masses[2], masses[1] if plot_result: plt.xlabel('k (2*pi/a)') plt.ylabel('Energy (eV)') plt.ylim(-2, 2) masses = abs(np.array(masses)) * m0 return tuple(masses[::-1].tolist())
[docs]def parabolic(k, mr): return hbar ** 2 / (2 * m0 * mr) * k ** 2
[docs]def average_inplane_effective_mass(material, host_material, averaging_points=10, dk=0.026): """ Calculates the average in-plane effective mass for the four bands, assuming always the XY plane. """ # p = phi = Polar angle, always constant for the XY plane # t = theta = Azimuth. Given the symmetry of the problem, we need to average only 45˚ of the k space p = np.pi / 2 t = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 4, averaging_points) mc = 0 mhh = 0 mlh = 0 mso = 0 # We calculate the effective mass on each direction and average them for tt in t: bands = KPbands(material, host_material, p=p, t=tt) result = fit_effective_masses(bands, material, host_material, dk=dk) mc = mc + result[0] mhh = mhh + result[1] mlh = mlh + result[2] mso = mso + result[3] mc = mc / averaging_points mhh = mhh / averaging_points mlh = mlh / averaging_points mso = mso / averaging_points return mc, mhh, mlh, mso
[docs]def kp8x8_bulk(material, host_material, averaging_points=10, dk=0.026): """ Combines the above functions to provide a compact result of the band edges and the effective masses. """ mc, mhh, mlh, mso = average_inplane_effective_mass(material, host_material, averaging_points=averaging_points, dk=dk) c, hh, lh, so = KPbands(material, host_material, return_edges_only=True) return c, hh, lh, so, mc, mhh, mlh, mso
if __name__ == "__main__": import solcore # Material parameters GaAs = solcore.material("GaAs")(T=300) InGaAs2 = solcore.material("InGaAs")(In=0.28, T=300) InGaAs3 = solcore.material("GaInAs")(In=0.2, T=300) GaAsP = solcore.material("GaInP")(In=0.7, T=300) bands = kp_bands(GaAs, InGaAs3, kx=0, ky=0, kz=0, graph=True, fit_effective_mass=True, effective_mass_direction="L", return_so=True) # bands = KPbands(GaAs, GaAsP, fraction=0.2, plot_result=False) # result = fit_effective_masses(bands, GaAs, GaAsP, plot_result=False) # # print(result)