Source code for solcore.analytic_solar_cells.tunnel_junctions

import numpy as np
from solcore.constants import kb, q

[docs]def resistive_tunnel_junction(junction, options): """ Calculates the IV curve of a tunnel junction when it is modelled as a simple resistor. The minimum resistance of the junction is always 1e-16. :param junction: A junction object. :param options: Solver options. :return: None. """ def iv(v): return v / junction.R def vi(j): return j * junction.R junction.voltage = options.internal_voltages junction.current = iv(junction.voltage) junction.iv = iv = vi
[docs]def parametric_tunnel_junction(junction, options): """ Calculates the IV curve of a tunnel junction when it is modelled using a set of empirical parameters, such as peak curent and voltage, valley current and voltage, etc. The total current of the tunnel junction is summ of 3 components: the tunnel current, the excess current and the difussion current. :param junction: A junction object. :param options: Solver options. :return: None. """ T = options.T junction.voltage = options.internal_voltages try: # First we calculate the tunnel current jp = junction.j_peak vp = junction.v_peak def tunnel_current(v): return jp * v / vp * np.exp(1 - v / vp) junction.tunnel_current = tunnel_current # Now we calculate the excess current due to carrier tunnelling by way of states within the forbidden gap jva = junction.j_valley vv = junction.v_valley pref = junction.prefactor def excess_current(v): return jva * np.exp(pref * (v - vv)) junction.excess_current = excess_current # Finally we calculate the diffusion current j01 = junction.j01 def diffusion_current(v): return j01 * np.exp(q * v / kb / T) junction.diffusion_current = diffusion_current except AttributeError: raise # And we put everything together in an IV curve function def iv(v): return junction.tunnel_current(v) + junction.excess_current(v) + junction.diffusion_current(v) junction.current = iv(junction.voltage) # Also, we calculate the inverse, needed for the calculation of the IV curve in MJ solar cells MJ_current = np.where(junction.voltage <= junction.v_peak, junction.current, np.maximum(iv(junction.v_peak), junction.current)) # And the corresponding function doing that if def vi(j): return np.interp(-j, MJ_current, -junction.voltage) else: def vi(j): return np.interp(j, MJ_current, junction.voltage) junction.iv = iv = vi
[docs]def external_tunnel_junction(junction, options): """ Calculates the IV curve of a tunnel junction when it is modelled with external data. The external voltage and current must be defined with the input parameters external_voltage and external_current, respectively. It assumes that the interesting part of the curve is in the 1st quadrant (V>0 and I>0). :param junction: A junction object. :param options: Solver options. :return: None. """ try: # We put everything together in an IV curve function using the external data def iv(v): return np.interp(v, junction.external_voltage, junction.external_current) except AttributeError: raise # Also, we calculate the inverse, needed for the calculation of the IV curve in MJ solar cells MJ_current = np.zeros_like(junction.external_current) MJ_current[0] = junction.external_current[0] for i in range(len(junction.external_current) - 1): MJ_current[i + 1] = max(MJ_current[i], junction.current[i + 1]) # And the corresponding function doing that def vi(j): return np.interp(j, MJ_current, junction.external_voltage) junction.voltage = options.internal_voltages junction.current = iv(junction.voltage) junction.iv = iv = vi
[docs]def example_resistive_tunnel_junction(show=True): from solcore.structure import TunnelJunction from solcore.solar_cell_solver import default_options import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Parametric tunnel example my_tunnel = TunnelJunction(R=0.05) resistive_tunnel_junction(my_tunnel, default_options) if show: v = my_tunnel.voltage plt.plot(v, my_tunnel.current, 'k', linewidth=2, label='Total') plt.legend(fontsize=12) plt.ylim(0, 1.5) plt.xlim(0, 1) plt.ylabel('Current Density(A/$m^2$)', fontsize=12) plt.xlabel('Voltage(V)', fontsize=12) plt.tick_params(labelsize=12) plt.tight_layout() return my_tunnel
[docs]def example_parametric_tunnel_junction(show=True): from solcore.structure import TunnelJunction from solcore.solar_cell_solver import default_options import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Parametric tunnel example my_tunnel = TunnelJunction(v_peak=0.1, j_peak=1, v_valley=0.5, j_valley=0.1, prefactor=10, j01=1e-11) parametric_tunnel_junction(my_tunnel, default_options) if show: v = my_tunnel.voltage plt.plot(v, my_tunnel.tunnel_current(v), 'r--', label='Tunnel') plt.plot(v, my_tunnel.excess_current(v), 'g--', label='Excess') plt.plot(v, my_tunnel.diffusion_current(v), 'b--', label='Diffusion') plt.plot(v, my_tunnel.current, 'k', linewidth=2, label='Total') plt.legend(fontsize=12) plt.ylim(0, 1.5) plt.xlim(0, 1) plt.ylabel('Current Density(A/$m^2$)', fontsize=12) plt.xlabel('Voltage(V)', fontsize=12) plt.tick_params(labelsize=12) plt.tight_layout() return my_tunnel
if __name__ == '__main__': import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from solcore.structure import TunnelJunction from solcore.solar_cell_solver import default_options # tunnel = example_parametric_tunnel_junction(False) # example_resistive_tunnel_junction() tunnel = TunnelJunction(v_peak=0.2, j_peak=7.5e4, v_valley=1, j_valley=40000, prefactor=5, j01=1e-23, kind='parametric') parametric_tunnel_junction(tunnel, default_options) v = tunnel.voltage I = np.linspace(0, 105000, 100) plt.plot(v, tunnel.tunnel_current(v), 'r--', label='Tunnel') plt.plot(v, tunnel.excess_current(v), 'g--', label='Excess') plt.plot(v, tunnel.diffusion_current(v), 'b--', label='Diffusion') plt.plot(v, tunnel.current, 'k', linewidth=3, color='DimGray', label='Total') # plt.plot(v, MJ_current, 'k-o', linewidth=2, label='MJ current') # plt.plot(, I, '--', color='grey', linewidth=2, label='MJ current') plt.plot((0.2, 0.9), (100, 10), 'ko') plt.annotate('V$_P$, J$_P$', xy=(0.2, 110), fontsize=12) plt.annotate('V$_V$, J$_V$', xy=(0.6, 10), fontsize=12) plt.legend(fontsize=12, frameon=False) plt.ylim(0, 105000) plt.xlim(0, 2) plt.ylabel('Current Density(A/$m^2$)', fontsize=12) plt.xlabel('Voltage(V)', fontsize=12) plt.tick_params(labelsize=12) plt.tight_layout()