Source code for solcore.absorption_calculator.nk_db

# This code is heavily based on/copied from the code
# found here on GitHub:
# However, there are some modifications from the original code

import os
import sqlite3
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

from solcore.material_data.refractiveindex_info_DB import dboperations as DB
from solcore import config, SOLCORE_ROOT

[docs]def download_db(url=None, interpolation_points=200, confirm=False): """ This function downloads the database and creates on SQLite database at the path specified in the user config file. :param url: URL from which the zip archive of the database will be downloaded. Default is "" :param interpolation_points: how many interpolation points to save the data at. Default is 200. :param confirm: if True, will not ask if you want to download database again even if it has been downloaded previously :return: """ if "nk" not in config.sources("Others"): NK_PATH = os.path.join(config.user_folder, "nk", "nk.db") if not os.path.exists(NK_PATH): os.makedirs(Path(NK_PATH).parent) config["Others", "nk"] = NK_PATH else: NK_PATH = config["Others", "nk"] if os.path.isfile(NK_PATH) and not confirm: response = input('There is already a downloaded database file. ' 'Do you want to download it again (Y/n)? ') if response not in 'Yy': return else: confirm = True if confirm: db = DB.Database(NK_PATH) with TemporaryDirectory() as output: if url is None: db.create_database_from_url(interpolation_points, outputfolder=output) else: db.create_database_from_url(interpolation_points, url, outputfolder=output)
[docs]def search_db(term="", exact=False): """ Search the downloaded SQLite database. :param term: search term (e.g. the name of a material, or a source). :param exact: search by exact (True) or approximate (False, default) terms. :return: A list of tuples of with one tuple per database entry matching the search term. The first entry of each tuple is the pageid of the database entry. """ NK_PATH = config["Others", "nk"] db = DB.Database(NK_PATH) conn = sqlite3.connect(db.db_path) c = conn.cursor() if not exact: c.execute('SELECT * FROM pages WHERE shelf like ? or book like ? or page like ? or filepath like ?', ["%" + term + "%" for i in range(4)]) else: c.execute('SELECT * FROM pages WHERE shelf like ? or book like ? or page like ? or filepath like ?', [term for i in range(4)]) results = c.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: print("No results found.") else: print(len(results), "results found.") columns = db._get_pages_columns() print("\t".join(columns)) for r in results: print("\t".join(map(str, r[:]))) conn.close() return results
[docs]def nkdb_load_n(pageid): NK_PATH = os.path.abspath(config['Others']['nk'].replace('SOLCORE_ROOT', SOLCORE_ROOT)) db = DB.Database(NK_PATH) res = db.get_material_n_numpy(int(pageid)) wl = res[:, 0] n = res[:, 1] return wl, n
[docs]def nkdb_load_k(pageid): NK_PATH = os.path.abspath(config['Others']['nk'].replace('SOLCORE_ROOT', SOLCORE_ROOT)) db = DB.Database(NK_PATH) res = db.get_material_k_numpy(int(pageid)) wl = res[:, 0] k = res[:, 1] return wl, k
[docs]def create_nk_txt(pageid, file, folder=""): """ This function creates two files called [file]_n.txt and [file]_k.txt (with [file] as specified in the arguments. The format matches that used by create_new_material, with the first column being the wavelength in metres and the second column the n or k values. :param pageid: pageid (number) of the database entry to be used :param file: name of the file to be created: the n and k data will be saved separately as [file]_n.txt and [file]_k.txt :param folder: folder where the files should be saved :return: parameter_source: file with list of other parameters for the new material """ NK_PATH = os.path.abspath(config['Others']['nk'].replace('SOLCORE_ROOT', SOLCORE_ROOT)) db = DB.Database(NK_PATH) if not os.path.exists(folder) and folder != "": os.makedirs(folder) res = db.get_material_txt(int(pageid), output=file, folder=folder)