SPICE-based solar cell solver ============================= - Example 1: :doc:`PV module calculator <../Examples/example_pv_module>` - Example 2: :doc:`Quasi-3D 3J solar cell <../Examples/example_quasi3D_cell>` When the two diode model is used to define the junctions in a MJ solar cell, then larger scale circuits can be constructed. Solcore includes two levels of large scale equivalent circuits: quasi-3D solar cell modelling and solar array modelling. Both solvers are based on the interface between Solcore and SPICE, allowing for a fast calculation of complex structures with many elements. This solver has been tested with NGSPICE, only. Check the installation :doc:`instructions for Windows <../Installation/Solcore_on_Windows>` and :doc:`for MacOS <../Installation/Solcore_on_MacOSX>`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 0 pv_panel quasi3D Spice solver files ------------------ .. automodule:: solcore.spice.spice :members: :undoc-members: